Mat Nova

Ready to start
your analysis?

Our AI matches you with the best methods for your needs,
processing your data privately and securely.

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Mat-Nova is the first materials analysis company created for start ups and agile businesses.

Optimize analyses.
Mat-Nova is a labless analysis broker that creates optimal analysis solutions based exclusively on your needs.

Save 30% or more.
Mat-Nova teams up with laboratories across the nation to repurpose idle equipment time. Helping to balance resources lets us bring you economy-of-scale savings.

Get data in 3 days.
The more predictable your analysis needs, the faster we turn it around at no added cost to you. For recurring jobs, we average 3 days.

Snatch a 3-year head start.
Mat-Nova works with inventors to bring you the newest capabilities before they are commercialized. According to DARPA, this represents a 3-5 year advantage.

Hire us with confidence. Your intellectual property is protected. Your identity stays anonymous. You own all results. You keep the only permanent record after the job is completed.

We offer advanced materials analysis services through a network of expert researchers and specialized equipment.

Laboratories working with us

University of Illinois: Urbana Champaign logo

Materials Research Laboratory (MRL)

University of Iowa logo

The Materials Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab)

University of Georgia logo

Center for Applied Isotope Studies (CAIS)

University of Washington logo

Molecular Analysis Facility (MAF)

University of California: San Diego logo

Materials Characterization Facility (MCF)

University of Michigan logo

Center for Materials Characterization - (MC)2